Saturday 13 March 2010


My gosh I'm now officially old being it my birthday yesterday. I'd like to think I'm still young by saying I'm twenteen rather than twenty. I think I can use that method up to twenteen-nine but i can't really say I'm thirteen at thirty. Maybe then I can use the 'eighteen with twelve years experience'.
Well another year older, and to look at it positively, I survived nineteen without dying or having a baby. YAY!
Most immature thing I have done so far at the age of twenteen is ... eating jelly and ice cream for breakfast. I think that's rather immature as my mum did the *tut* and that 'seriously?!?!' look at me.
One saying that I will always believe in is, "You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stopped laughing". So true. I hate when people say to me 'Grow up', I rather not to be honest because then I would be boring.
One day I would be grown up (in a way) with a house and family (hopefully) but even then I will occasionally eat jelly and ice cream for breakfast.
Right I'm off to play with Lego. :D

Monday 8 March 2010

Spring Clean

Ahhh a breath of fresh air, quite literally! Thanks to tidying my room, Throwing away crap, Opening a window and the great inventions that are Oust and Febreeze.
A tidy room definitely makes me feel better and happier. I love walking into my room now. But how long will this last? Not long knowing me.
Today i learnt that my wardrobe is now half empty which tells me i need to go shopping, Hair spray kills spiders, and you can remember lyrics from songs from 10 years ago. Amazing.
Reason why i tidied my room;
Music i listened to were Avril Lavigne, Rihanna, Spice Girls, JoJo, Remi Nicole and some Skream, Caspa and other dubstep. Reminiscent of the late 90's early 00's.
And for the Dubstep fans;
Oh its my birthday Friday; and as i need clothes, money and vouchers are welcome. For my love of music, mainly dubstep, some sick speakers and a subwoofer would be fab for my laptop! i want live and feel the bass and wobbles please.