Saturday 13 March 2010


My gosh I'm now officially old being it my birthday yesterday. I'd like to think I'm still young by saying I'm twenteen rather than twenty. I think I can use that method up to twenteen-nine but i can't really say I'm thirteen at thirty. Maybe then I can use the 'eighteen with twelve years experience'.
Well another year older, and to look at it positively, I survived nineteen without dying or having a baby. YAY!
Most immature thing I have done so far at the age of twenteen is ... eating jelly and ice cream for breakfast. I think that's rather immature as my mum did the *tut* and that 'seriously?!?!' look at me.
One saying that I will always believe in is, "You don't stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stopped laughing". So true. I hate when people say to me 'Grow up', I rather not to be honest because then I would be boring.
One day I would be grown up (in a way) with a house and family (hopefully) but even then I will occasionally eat jelly and ice cream for breakfast.
Right I'm off to play with Lego. :D

Monday 8 March 2010

Spring Clean

Ahhh a breath of fresh air, quite literally! Thanks to tidying my room, Throwing away crap, Opening a window and the great inventions that are Oust and Febreeze.
A tidy room definitely makes me feel better and happier. I love walking into my room now. But how long will this last? Not long knowing me.
Today i learnt that my wardrobe is now half empty which tells me i need to go shopping, Hair spray kills spiders, and you can remember lyrics from songs from 10 years ago. Amazing.
Reason why i tidied my room;
Music i listened to were Avril Lavigne, Rihanna, Spice Girls, JoJo, Remi Nicole and some Skream, Caspa and other dubstep. Reminiscent of the late 90's early 00's.
And for the Dubstep fans;
Oh its my birthday Friday; and as i need clothes, money and vouchers are welcome. For my love of music, mainly dubstep, some sick speakers and a subwoofer would be fab for my laptop! i want live and feel the bass and wobbles please.

Saturday 27 February 2010


I love how the little things can make you grin like a Cheshire cat, especially from someone you love. Or when the tiniest of touch gives you goose bumps. The fact that they can look at you, and before you've even said anything they know what your thinking or feeling. You feel protected when they are not around because you are wearing their hoody. You know you're on their mind when they text or call first. All this obviously points to love, and well, I miss it.
But as my friend says, "Soon".
Soon is great, soon means it's coming but there's no limit to when exactly it is coming.
I say soon to my teachers when they ask for my assignments, or when my parents ask me to do something. Temporally it keeps them happy, enough time to get your shit sorted. :D
So while i'm waiting for my soul mate taking his long ass time getting his shit together, I shall move to my other love and thats music and Remi Nicole. :D

Thursday 25 February 2010


Reasons why I love Thursdays;
It's Friday tomorrow.
There's only two proper lessons at college today.
Reasons why I love this Thursday;
It's Friday tomorrow.
Didn't have any proper lessons today.
I found a little bit of happiness, sitting on the bus this evening watching a rainy world go past listening to some beautiful music.
I received lovely text messages.
Someone told me they are going to get me the most chocolatey Easter egg.

Yeah I'm a bit of a skins fan :] and these are my favourite characters :D

One of the songs I listened to in the beauty of this world :]

Monday 22 February 2010

You can take the girl out of Thanet, But you can not take Thanet out of the girl.

Thanet. Also known as Isle of Thanet, although it is no longer an isle. Margate, Ramsgate and Broadstairs. Margate being my town.
A quick brief history and description of the Margate: Seaside town, couple of hours away from London (lahdahn), cockney resort, Dreamland theme park, highest teenage pregnancy rate, highest emptiest shop fronts, high crime rate, Dreamland burns, arcades burn, cinema closes, other things burn, other things close. Margate Dead.
Any-who as you can tell, Margate used to be fun, now its poo. Full of criming criminals and Gary Glitter (apparently, but i am yet to spot him around).
Well today i can see the temptation in stealing, i am from and still are in a slight poverty stricken household. So while i was sitting on the bus listening to music on my phone that's over 3 years old but is still a precious thing i own, its no iPhone. I spotted a guy two seats in front practically showing off his top of the range blackberry to no one. I thought ooo that's nice ... and shiny .... etc. Then the woman in front of me just whipped out a nice little laptop, windows 7 (was my idea btw). I thought ... i could just get up, mug them and run off the bus. It was like they were teasing me! So if you ever get mugged for something or something of yours nicked, think about it, was you subconsciously showing off your item near poor people. Maybe you deserved it!
But i do not condone stealing or mugging, its a terrible thing, and i actually would never wish it on anyone. :D
Ending with a good note, i love this song, it's on my running playlist, although i listen to that playlist more sitting on the bus than actually running anywhere. :D

Sunday 21 February 2010

5 Minute Chocolate Cake, AMAZING

Raid the cupboards and place the ingredients into a mug.
4 Tablespoons flour
4 Tablespoons sugar
2 Tablespoons cocoa
Now mix together
1 Egg
3 Tablespoons milk
3 Tablespoons oil
Here you can add chocolate chips, vanilla extract and other lovely additions if you wish.

Now get that mug into a microwave for 3-4 minutes (depending on microwave power)

I recommend serving with vanilla ice cream.

And tadaaa a cake for one in five minutes :D great if you need a chocolate fix :]
P.s. You dont have to be a student to enjoy this little delectable delight.
P.p.s. You would have a nice warm tasty cake hopefully before this song has finished :D

Marriage; Confetti or Dance Routines?

My first post, and I thought I would start with marriage and weddings. Mainly because it seems to be everywhere at the moment, on TV, in conversation etc. Also Starting a blog is a bit like marriage, its a commitment.
Before weddings were a small affair with family and friends, saying of vowels, confetti chucked at you as you leave and a party in the pub or hall. You were grateful for any wedding gifts you received and a honeymoon wasn't a necessity. Here is a lovely wedding photo I found searching the web. It was taken June 1924 for the marriage of Robert Louis Young and Edith Blanche Brucher. [source:]
Have weddings become more than just the unity before God, and more as a big entertainment event for the guests. Can we blame celebrities and WAGs for creating a scene? People actually try and outdo the previous wedding they attended or heard off.
They must use a check list like this:
Must get brightest engagement ring.
Buy the biggest and whitest wedding dress covered in crystals/diamonds.
Inform guests on the wedding gift they must buy.
Choreograph an entrance dance.
Choreograph the first dance.
Buy the biggest and most artistic cake.
Find the most original and biggest vehicle.
Have the biggest venue to hold the party.
Hire a pop star to sing at the party.
Invite absolutely everyone.
Get a magazine deal with hello, if not that famous enough, a mention in the local rag.
Honeymoon to the moon.

Although i thought this was legend:
But i would probably have a dance more like this:
Would definitely love to use Ratatat as my song choice, might not be about love, but if your going to dance to something cool, go for Ratatat.